Wednesday, July 30, 2008

DNA - The Bio-Wars

As the complete DNA map is drawing out soon, it shall be interesting on the usage on the output finding.

I believe each ethics shall have different DNA maps, and shall it to each individual as well. Comparing them, the DNA maps for individual ethics shall be very significant than each living-individual, in manipulating sense.

The wars we had was based on the manipulation of the atomics' elements in current days, which is not-significantly-to-control matter. What if we have the DNA maps, manipulating the specified different in DNA elements for each different ehthics, then the targeting will be more specified.

For instead, ethics X and ethics Y are having significant different on DNA element-K. If some viruses (let called it as Xper-Viruses) was designed to attack the ethic Y's DNA element-K, then only ethic Y will be paralysed, but same will not happen for ethic X. The Xper-viruses were degined to with "artificial intelligence" and would "choose" selectable target. The Xper-Viruses would bring no harmful or any sickness to ethics X, as ethics X do not have the "targeted" DNA element-K.

Or put it more simple to understand, imagine the computers that are running with Windows-based and running with UNIX-based. We have known that some computer-viruses are only attack Windows-based computer and via versa. Why? Because the viruses have been designed to identified certain "target ID" or code before attacking. So in here the "target ID" is similiar to the DNA element-K, which must be unique to certain individual or groups.

Yes, we know the benefit of drawing out the DNA map is priceless, but at the same time, we shall not deny the possible side effects or wrong usage on this finding. No matter what will be the concerns and reasons, we can't stop this DNA mapping project, and shall not limited to one or two individuals only, but shall apply to each living-individuals, careless of colour, ethichs, religions, age or areas.

I don't deny the DNA manipulation on the wrong usage, and DNA's Bio-War, it will happen. In fact, I believe this DNA Bio-war has been happening around the world, and continuously.

Unfortunately of one thing is that, we always think that we are the smart creatures, and are the controller of this world.

Are we?

I can be very sure that, no matter how we thought things can be controlled, but things have changed repeatly wihtout the creator's knowledged. Environment, has changed them into something that we are terrifiy. Ain't this good, one point of showing human stupidity?

This is exactly happening to viruses, which have thier own limited effect at first, but changed themselves a long the way, to suit the environment and surviving, becomes more powerful that we ever thought. They may be dangerous to a specified species at first, but turned out dangering other specieses at the end.

DNA Bio-War, would create new species, that for sure. It would be dangerous to now-known-as-normal-species at first, but it would be fine at times are passing by.

And, when this will be happening?!!! You will be surprised where the time frame is out of your calculation.....

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