Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Orang Kaya

Let's play with statistic to see how figures can fool people. Says, got 1 million people. 60% is race M, 20% is race C, 15% is race I, and the rest is race O.

1. Statistic says 50% of race C are orang kaya. So it is 100k people of race C are orang kaya.

2. Statisitc says only 40% of race M are orang kaya. So it is 240k people of race M are orang kaya.

3. Statistic says only 40% of race I are poor. So it is 60k people of race I are poor.

4. Statistic says 90% of race O are poor. So it is 45k of race O are poor.

So to politicians, they will say race C are orang kaya, because 50% of them are. While race M are orang miskin, because 60% of them are.

In the other hand, politicians also can state that race O is poorest than race I, because 90% of them are.

But facts?

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