Thursday, March 08, 2018

Learning . BIM

after form 5, was working as promoter in a small supermarket, while waiting for the SPM result. One day, came across a deaf person was wanting to buy something. The Deaf was trying to describe it, unfortunately i couldn't get it.

i was thinking, there must be a better way that both of us able to talk to each other, that where i know existence of structural sign language. the famous and well known is ASL, american sign language. there onward, i always wanted to learn, but time and financially was not able to do so.

till now.

learning sign language not much easier than learning others languages as well. BIM, bahasa isyarat malaysia, is conceptually from ASL, with some localised signs. From level 1 to level 2, i was struggling to get thru. I am a person need much much practice and usage to remember things, but in my life, there is no involvement with any Deaf, nor use of it.

Now come to level 3, it is like, "oh my, do i really wanna continue with it?".  thought about giving up, but i know i will regret it if i did. telling myself, just learn as much as i can, event if i couldn't pass the exam, at least exposure will let me on learning something.

it is about 10 weeks course, a day per week. this makes it even more tougher. group assignment, individual assignment, weekly assignments, exam preparation, exposure event preparation, social! good luck to me.


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