Wednesday, August 03, 2016


Daily, we are using State-of-Art technologies in many ways in our lives,  to live better.

But in the same time we are loosing the senses come naturally in our bodies.

The body is supposedly trained and learned in our daily activities, to adjust and suit ourselves accordingly to the changes of surrounding. But rather than that, we as human, very depending to all kind of equipments, so call will give the precise and fine results.

Yes, we have all the results, amazing results from all the human made sensors and machines. But all the results are staying in the machines, learned by AI machines, and our bodies learned nothing than just figures or charts.

Body needs to sense and go thru those  situations, repeatedly, to learn and to be better. It is the greatest biological machine that can't be beaten by any other form of human built machine.

One day, humanity will learn the lesson.

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