I didn’t know whether he’s angry at me, being not helpful, or he’s moody today. Perhaps, he’d a bad day. Who did not, anywhere. Did he really mean it, or just to release some tension and pressure? Only he’d know the truth.
Fuck-you, had become the common word, nowadays. Walking through in the streets, or in the movies, or ours daily conversation with friends, we were using it, somehow, to express the feeling. I would be very surprise, if someone was so disturbed by the words, seems like he or she was living in another world, could it be utopia? I myself did use it, sometimes, in the writing, or conversation. Of cause it’s not in front of strangers, or in front of ladies. Somehow, still need to show some respect to the others.
I never come cross problem with it, just an expression. It’s not like when people were saying it, it really meant fucking you in the public; could be nice if it was happening, then we had free and real show. Would couple say “I am fucking you now”, when making love? I bet, yes.
It would be nice if someone says “Would you leave me alone!” It’s so polite, and showing his or her EQ was good. But, it’s reality if someone says “You, fucking off!” There was nothing wrong, only showing a person personality and attitude. I think this had nothing to do with the degree of education have had.
Either you were fucking me, or I was sucking you, it brings no matter to me anywhere, as long as you happy with it. If you prefer, you could fuck me all time.
What a piece of shit! You, stupid idiot moron!
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