I don't like to recommend thing to friend, because normally it does not end good.
Well this time, colleague was asking my help to find a laptop for her daughter. At first i had hesitate, knowing that it would end up badly, normally. As she asked few times, didn't know who else she could turn to, I finally gave myself a chance, thinking that it may different this time.
Did much research on brands and specs, also the budget given by her, finally recommended dell inspiron 13 5000 series, Intel i5 8th generation processor, 8GiB RAM, windows 10, 1TiB hard drive, on price RM3k+.
Waited a week plus after the online purchase order, got the laptop. Helped do all the setup, installed licensed ms office and tested all hardware and software were working fine. 3 days after her daughter used it, claimed the wifi was not working anymore.
At first thought must be some setting or drivers issue, just need to re-configure would do. Well, damn myself this time.
Tried update drivers, reinstalled drivers, tweak bios setting, even reset windows twice but only ended with hopeless. The wifi adaptor was totally disappeared, not detected at all. Reported to dell, after few hours repeating procedures that I had already done, the tech said wifi adaptor need to replace. I already knew that.
Now, got to wait, don't know for how many days, where part is available and onsite tech will make appointment to fix.
Airh....Not sure it is bad luck or her bad luck. Bad luck on getting my help.
Negative + negative = negative, it is plus, not multiplier, not getting positive.
I like to help, but really I should help?
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