I am god.
We will never think this way, and we have forgotten, god is just nothing but a myth. Won’t you agree more?
Look at the people that surrounding us, appearing in ours daily life, what do they believe most, the god or the reality of life? Simply choose one, he or she will tell us “I am so-so religion’s follower.” But, what actually do they believe, the god or the goodies that benefiting them?
Looking in this world, in the news, we have been forced to believe, the god is making the world better and right. Yeah…..the shit, the god is making. We have wars that never ended for thousands year, and it is a war between beliefs, and the stupid humankind. Human is stupid enough to be manipulated, by the so-called statements, prophecies or messages from god. What a stupid idiot moron to believe so.
For those unexplainable situations, those crazy people created the myth story for them. This part is the most fun and psychological effect is taking into account. Humankind, they are afraid something that can’t be seen, they afraid the life after death, they are afraid will be going to hell. They are all wanted going to heaven, achieving the immortality. But where is the hell and heaven, do we see once? What is that life after death? It is actually definition dependence, ours own definition. God says anything about this? No, because, there is no god; but there is dog.
It’s really fuck-suck because of being afraid, making human or forcing them believing in things blindly. And the consequence is, we are creating the hell in this world, ironically, we thought this is the way to heaven.
When we have problem, we will pray for god’s help or guidelines. If we pass through, we thank god, but if we don’t, we still thank god, because he or she is testing us, but we failed the test; that what all people believe. Human, what the hell with you? Can’t we just thank ourselves or our friends or even our enemies for that? Why need to thank god? We are thanking something that may not have even helping us, or not even exist?
If there was god, and with so many followers, we really think the god would help us? Get a hammer, knock our head a bit? May be he or she was watching us and laughing there, “What a stupid fellow? Ha….” Why he or she needs to help us, since he would get the credit from us, anywhere.
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