Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Work work work

How life is being filled.

Fascinating . Training

One of the interesting feedback I got, always, during training to customers on company software solutions is : This is not what we want!

Fascinating! Always fascinating!

Either the sales person was bluffing about the solutions, or the customers do not really know what they want.

Ready made solutions are presented as it is to customers during initial inquiry. Further requirements were gathered beforehand to customise the solutions suit to customers needs.  

But still, during training of the solutions prior to launching, always got surprised feedback, like the one mentioned, like the solutions should do the other ways, like why the solutions do this way, et cetera.

After many experiences, nowadays I only can advise customers, do check with the in charge person on the requirements. I only do training based on the solutions features.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


We need robots.

Take example in foods service line.

Robots will never rest due to holidays, or medical leave or laziness. The only rest day is when it's died.

Robots will never discriminate customers by races, by colours, by outfits, by age, et cetera. They serve every living creature, even none human customers, as long as instructions are received.

Robots do not complain about the salary nor they make noise of long working hours. They are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and through out the whole year. So a restaurant can operate without worrying the human resources, yet can operate the whole year, better profits.

Customers are always right. Robots will never argue with customers, and customers know they can't demand much other than standard service from robot. So this prevents unnecessary circumstances.

Robots always prepare and give the same quality and quantity outputs. The taste, the smell, the portion are equally distributed. All customers get the same services level, same foods quality and quantity. Everything is fine SOP, no more, no less.

It's time to have AI type robots serving human. Human is getting more and moe demanding, where it is getting difficult to serve or giving serve.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018






不会有结果的爱,自己何必,还要苦苦去爱? 因为,这是爱。

Tuesday, August 14, 2018








她,就这样不见了。两个多星期,看她孵着,还在期待她孩子的出生,但就突然不见了。 :(




Thursday, August 09, 2018


学了多年数据分析,从 ms excel开始,然后pandas, 绘的图表都是静态的。以前觉得足够,因为偶尔才需要用到,交报告之类的。


两个月的时间,终于小有成就,能绘画出简单的。虽然pandas 和bokeh 都是python 的一部分,不过一向来都是用Jupyter notebook,突然要转换成python的script又花了几天时间。幸好现在网上都是资料,遇到难题,就搜搜,参考他人列子,再想一想,答案就出来了。


Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Mu Ilham Ku

Biarkan lah ku tertelan
Dengan bayangan mu
Siang malam

Biarkan lah ku terlumpuh
Dengan mu dihatiku
Siang Malam

Biarkan lah ku
Rindui mu hatiku
Biarkan lah ku
Mu ilham ku

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Bonnie Tyler. Total Eclipse of the heart

"Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
And there's nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart"